At Portchester we believe that 'learning shouldn't be something that is done to you, it should be about the staff and pupils working together in partnership to ensure the experience is the best it can be'.
The Senior Pupil Leaders within Portchester Community School epitomise the School vision of 'confident, successful and responsible individuals' they are pupils that have excelled through their learning, attitude and contribution to the School.
Pupils apply to become Senior Pupil Leaders, Head Pupils and Deputy Head Pupils by means of a formal letter of application and are interviewed by members of the Senior Leadership Team before they are appointed.
The successful pupils take on extra responsibilities including assemblies, running the school reward store, fundraising for their year group charity and helping run open evening tours, by doing this they portray the very best of Portchester Community School.
Becoming a Senior Pupil is a huge responsibility, which will be an asset for them in the future.
Pupils in Years 7-9 have the opportunity to apply for Pupil Leaders, these pupils are appointed by their Head of Year and support their year group and their Head of Year. Responsibilities include; fundraising for their year group charity, chair monitor in assembly, open evening tours, reading buddies and pupil voice.
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