A broad range of activities are taught during Key Stage 3 as pupils experience and improve their performance in both team and individual events. From rugby to gymnastics, pupils are expected at all times to strive for excellence and develop their own personal performance.
The Physical Education department is committed to providing a high quality experience of sport and physical activity for all pupils. Lessons aim to be engaging and enjoyable in order to enable all pupils to develop physical, mental and social skills that will equip them not only to improve their sporting performance but also to help them be valued citizens within their society. Pupils are also encouraged to attend extra curricular activities to provide them with further opportunities to participate.
In Key Stage 4 Core Physical Education lessons all pupils continue to participate in a range of physical activities. Pupils change activities on a half termly basis. Lessons are based around a high level of physical activity. Pupils refine and develop the skills and tactics necessary to further improve their performance. Leadership skills are also further developed to promote independence and confidence in pupils.
At Key Stage 4 pupils also have the opportunity to opt to study either GCSE Physical Education or the BTEC Level 2 First Award in Sport.
The GCSE course follows the AQA specification and pupils study both practical and theoretical aspects.
Pupils submit three sports for assessment.
One sport must be an individual activity and one must be a team sport. The third activity may either be a further team or individual activity (30% of the final grade).
Pupils also submit a piece of written coursework based on their strongest practical activity. Through the coursework tasks they identify their own strengths and weaknesses (10% of the final grade).
Pupils sit two 1 hour 15 minute examinations in May of Year 11.
Examination 1 is on ‘The human body and movement in physical activity and sport’.
Examination 2 focuses on ‘Socio-cultural and well being in physical activity and sport’.
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