For health and safety reasons, students are not allowed to carry their medication around school. If your child requires any form of medication during the school day, please complete the medication form (link below). Once completed, please bring the form into reception with the medication.
All medication should be in the original packaging with the dispensary label on it.
If your child has asthma, they must carry an inhaler with them at all times. An Asthma Care Plan must be completed annually with the parent and the Medical Co-ordinator in school. A spare inhaler must be kept in the medical room.
If you have any questions regarding the above, please e-mail the Medical Co-ordinator, Mrs Grundy, on
If there are any changes to contact names, telephone numbers or to your child’s health, please e-mail our Administrative Support Leader, Mrs Tonks, on
This is vital so that the medical room can contact parents if your child is unwell or there is an emergency.
Please find below the link to our website which provides information for parents who wish to apply for transport to school. Parents can complete an online application for new starters or alternatively they are able to print off a hard copy of the form to complete and return to us.
Applications should be submitted to the Passenger Transport Group as soon as possible. This is to allow time for the applications to be processed by the beginning of the autumn term. Applications receieved after the end of JUNE may be subject to delay. Parents will normally be notified of transport arrangements during the summer holidays.
Usually a pay for service, these great resources for every subject and every key stage are available for free to download.
These books are usually not available unless purchased. Some educational books are still available as electronic copies for free!
Email enquiries -
White Hart Lane, Fareham, Hampshire, PO16 9BD.
Main reception telephone - 02392 364399 Student reception to report absence - 02392364340
Copyright © 2020 Portchester Community School - All Rights Reserved.