At KS3, pupils study either French or Spanish. Pupils develop their language skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing. They study a variety of topics, which enable them to give personal descriptions, accounts and opinions. They also learn language to aid communication with native speakers when visiting a foreign country. Our pupils have the opportunity to work with Foreign Language assistants, which improves their confidence and ability to speak in the target language.
Pupils prepare for the AQA GCSE examination in French, German or Spanish. They study a range of topics from 3 themes: Theme 1 – Identity and culture, Theme 2 – Local, national international and global areas of interest and Theme 3 – Current and future study and employment. Pupils are assessed in listening, speaking, reading and writing. Each paper is worth 25%. The candidates sit Foundation tier (Grades 1-5) or Higher tier (Grades 4-9) in all 4 papers.
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