The pupil librarians are:
Katie Byng
Amelia Fisher
Rosie Henning
Sofia Maclean
Isaac Symes
Aleigha Sleator
Portchester Community School’s LRC is a peaceful and productive shared space for pupils to read or work quietly, use resources and participate in activities organised by the English department and Library Team, whilst supporting the learning, personal development and wellbeing of pupils across the whole school.
It is core to the aims of Portchester Community School that pupils be well-rounded intellectually, socially and emotionally, and we positively encourage them to engage in regular reading to help accomplish this.
Our School Library stocks a broad range of reading materials across subject, genre, gender, time and culture. We now operate a ‘no censorship’ approach, to allow pupils to grow their knowledge through exploration of different texts. This means that any pupil can borrow books from the library including the teen, teen+ and 14-19 ranges. If you would prefer your child to only read books aimed at their chronological age and not above, you can email the school library.
LRC Opening Times
Monday: 9.15am - 3.45pm
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 8:45am - 3:45pm
Friday: 8:45am - 2:15pm
The library is open during break, lunch, and before and after school.
Homework club runs in the LRC daily from 3:15pm - 4:15pm staffed by Learning Support Assistants
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